
R.S.Finance is Credit Operator permitted by National Bank of Camcodia

TEL.+855-93-555683 Mail: info@risma.biz

#22, St.08, Borey Piphop Thmey Chhouk Va 2,
SK Samraong Kraom, KN Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh



One for all, all for one.
We are working for Cambodian citizen who need our help, and then our support to these people are also for healthy development of this country.
- Living together
- Learning together
- Developing together
with all Cambodian people.


店内イメージWe hope Terminated.
We hope that we will be terminated because of disappearance of poverty in Cambodia.
To achieve our aim we provide micro loan service to people who is really trying to escape from poverty condition and support their self-reliance to get one step upper living condition.



Only one for everyone.
"Everyone" is "every one by one". Everyone is living in different conduition and every client need different kind of support.
Our staff, [Credit Consultant] will check condition of our client one by one and consider to find out appropriate way to solve problem together.
Success of client is our success, and also be success of Cambodia.

Company info.店舗情報

Rights Smart Finance Plc.

(Former name is Rights Smart International)
#22, St.08, Borey Piphop Thmey Chhouk Va 2,SK Samraong Kraom, KN Pou Senchey, Phnom Penh
Mail : info@risma.biz